2012년 2월 14일 화요일

AVR development environment with eclipse in debian

* install "eclipse"
# apt-get install eclipse-cdt

* install "AVR-plugin"
Execute "eclipse" -> Help -> Install New Software... -> Add -> type "AVR Plugin" in Name tab and insert "http://avr-eclipse.sourceforge.net/updatesite/" in Location tab -> install "AVR Eclipse Plugin"

*install "C99 LC Parser" in eclipse

* install gcc-avr, task-c-devel, gcc-doc, gcc-4.2 avr-libc, binutils-avr, and avrdude, avrdude-doc libftdi1
# apt-get install gcc-avr task-c-devel, gcc-doc, gcc-4.2, avr-libc, binutils-avr avrdude avrdude-doc libftdi1

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