2010년 3월 31일 수요일

What are GTS, GSR and GCK in Xilinx CPLD ?

Special globally routed nets (GCK, GTS, GSR) are faster and do not use function block resources.
  • GCK - Global clock
  • GTS - Global output enable
  • GSR - Global set/reset CPLD control signals

2010년 3월 4일 목요일


  • Sampling Rate
  • Main OSC
  • The number of channel
  • The number of sampling
512+512 = signal + extra
  • Components
ADC(AD7829) : 2MSPS, 8Bits output,
  • Directories
1.1. CPLD

Verilog HDL code to handle Xilinx CPLD

1.1.1. Inputs

* Reset - pin to intialize undefined variables from USB FIFO.
Note for testing CPLD, this pin is not abled,
because of USB FIFO module is not operated during CPLD test.

* Clk - clock pin to feed the 20 bits counter which is able to cover 20khz sampling with 8 channels

* Trigger - 8bits channel status pins to identify channels that need A/D conversion

* nEOC - end of conversion pin to confirm the completion of A/D conversion

* DB - 8bits data pins to contain A/D converted data

1.1.2. Ouput

* nCONVST - pin to confirm starting of A/D conversion

* A - 3bits address pins to select a A/D channel

* nRD - pin to confirm reading A/D converted data

* nSLWR - pin to confirm transferring A/D converted data to USB FIFO

* FD - 8bits data pins to contain A/D converted data to tranfer to USB FIFO

1.1.3. Counter

20bits Counter started by Trigger

* Sampling Count - position 19 to 10 bit, 10bits counter to count the sampling

* Channel Count - position 9 to 7 bit, 3bits counter to select the A/D channel

Note, for 20Mhz Clk, Channel Counter is ticked in 1/20us * 2^7 = 6.4us and Sampling Counter is ticked in 1/20us * 2^10= 51.2us (i.e. 19.53125Khz Sampling frequency)

1.1.4. State Machine

* IDLE - transite SAVE_TRIGGER or START_ADC according to the status of Counter

* SAVE_TRIGGER - save 8bits Tigger and transite to TX_TRIGGER immediately

* TX_TRIGGER - transfer the saved Trigger data to USB FIFO and transite to START_ADC

* START_ADC - activate nCONVST to start the A/D conversion and transite to WAIT_EOC

* WAIT_EOC - wait the completion of A/D conversion with low nEOC and transite to RD_ADC_MUX_ADDR

* RD_ADC_MUX_ADDR - read A/D converted data using nRD and DB and confirm next A/D channel to A pins

* TX_ADC - using nSLWR, transfer A/D converted data to USB FIFO

1.2. CypressFX2

USB FIFO Firmware of slave fifo, that have 8bits data bus, though Keil compiler

1.3. Driver

Libusb-Win32's USB Driver, library and run-time library

1.4. EggPort

PIC877a's Firmware through PIC-C compiler

1.5. SignalAnalizer

Application program through Visual C++ 6.0OutputsTriggered Status + 6bytes ADC data